Becoming financially free again in times of crisis may seem difficult for some. It's actually easier than some people claim. Here are some very good reasons.
Let's take the example of a house owner who can't make payments because he is in job transition. The bank may be much more willing to let him recapture his payments a month from now realizing it would be impossible to sell the house if the owner was declared bankrupt. You are thus "forcing" the bank to be more positive towards your situation because you know, and fully realize, the bank has no other option.
On the other hand showing good will towards old creditors in a time of crisis shows stamina. It's in times such as these than many give up. If only they had done the exact oposite, and begun paying back on their debts, they would have been in a much stronger position a year from today.
You can begin the process today, and becoming financially free again requires effort. Think of the long-term benefits. One dollar saved can be one dollar in repayment than ends up saving you five dollars in ten years.
Think and plan ahead. It IS possible when you implement what I am telling you on this blog.
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